Is All-in-One a trend? Let's talk about the hype on the Notion app in the world of productivity

Gabriela Brasil
4 min readJan 11, 2021

I like tools that bring in autonomy and make things easier. And, over the past few years, I’ve lost track of how many tools, platforms, and applications I’ve tested. Both because my job calls for that and for my own personal use. I’ve said this before, and I need to say it again: the tool I’ve used most this year is Notion. But to explore Notion and to put your life on it, you need to know how to use the system.

It’s not the tool that makes the system — you are the one who makes the system by connecting tools.

Using Notion aimlessly doesn’t work. It’s a waste of time. For a while, before I got on the Notion train (which I took some time to do), I spent some time flirting with the app, as well as watching out for which personalities in the world of productivity were talking about the tool. Then, on September 2, 2019, I surrendered. I migrated all my projects from Trello to Notion and said, “Come into my system, Notion!”

At the same time, I noticed major companies around the globe had started using Notion as an organization tool. After a year of using this tool on a daily basis, I feel comfortable telling you: Notion will CHANGE the way you organize (your life, your work, your projects). Finally, I was able to see why it is currently gaining so much ground in the productivity tool market. And the reasons are clear:

• It provides users with autonomy;

• It allows for simplicity and convenience;

• It allows users to customize it to reflect their personality;

• It allows users to add different languages (imagery, video, text, coding);

• It has a strong expert community;

• It gives you easy access from one location (in the age of information, that’s a perk);

• It blew up at the right time!

The term “all-in-one” has dominated the corporate world, work systems, and many people’s professional lives. After all, can you imagine what a dream it would be having ALL in one place?

In a physical environment, it’s easier to understand what those places are: a drawer, a cabinet, a chest. But what about in the digital world? Google takes an “all-in-one” approach to all those apps that can connect to it, such as Google Tasks, which connects to Google Calendar, which connects to Gmail, which connects to Google Meet. The Google Suite features alternatives for educators and managers, cloud storage space, and streaming for meetings and live events. That’s what every company in the remote work environment needs — all in one place, through one login: the Google login. If you look at it from this angle, operating systems, like those from Microsoft and Apple, already do feature that all-in-one vision.

I like and use these tools a lot. However, to be realistic, I have yet to find an excellent tool that has all in it. To go back to that Notion example, it has a good calendar, but it’s no Google Calendar. Notion has a good planning system, but it’s no Asana. Notion has a good list system, but it’s not like Todoist. I spend much of my time researching tools and try to be very minimalistic about my system, although I do use various tools, including Notion. For now, in my flow, it is still more helpful to use specialized apps that are very good at what they are designed to do. Maybe I’ll change my mind in the future. The point I want to make here is that this discussion is happening all over the world.

But are you and your company up to speed on that? Have you explored the systems yet, and do you know what’s still working over there? Keeping up with the subject is a must. This is going to become more and more of a reality.

When used properly, systems will help you work and organize. As a result, they improve productivity.

It is becoming increasingly clear that tools like Notion symbolize the future of productivity tools, and if you want to learn how to use it, I will teach you and give you some help!

I’m a certified consultant on the tool, and I can help you and your company with designs and information flows aimed at productivity improvement.

Contact us by email at, and we will send you a detailed proposal. Count on me for this systems adaptation — I’ll be pleased to help! 😉



Gabriela Brasil

Entrepreneur and creator. A time-management consultant with a genuine passion for technology that helps us evolve in our work and in life.